Irie Chic

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100 Ways to Elevate Your Life

Elevating our lives and growing as people are lifelong journeys. I believe that small intentional changes can lead to big results so I created a list of 100 ways to elevate and improve your life. This list is as much for me as it is for anyone who is reading it. I hope you find something that resonates. There are a few things on the list that I’m working on or working toward attaining. Enjoy!

  1. Clarify your thoughts and feelings through consistent journaling

  2. Get more sleep

  3. Save for retirement. Make compound interest work for you

  4. End toxic relationships

  5. Invest in nice pajamas. I have these J Crew pajamas, and I love them.

  6. Pray

  7. Establish a morning routine. Morning routines can help you to set the tone for your day

  8. Follow in Shonda Rhimes' footsteps and say yes to things that scare you. Do it afraid!

  9. Staycation in your city. Enjoy your city through the eyes of a tourist.

  10. Drink more water, if this is difficult for you, try infusing your water with fruit. This fruit infusion water bottle looks cool

  11. Expand your mind and increase your knowledge by reading at least one book every month

  12. Ask for what you want. Be direct

  13. Floss

  14. Listen to podcasts that add value to your life

  15. Start a fitness routine

  16. Drink lemon and warm water first thing in the morning. It promotes hydration and aids in digestion.

  17. Wake up earlier

  18. Invest in quality clothing; they form the foundation of your closet.

  19. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet with juicing

  20. Whenever possible choose complex carbs over simple carbs, complex carbs pack more nutrients

  21. Write down your ideas

  22. Know your peak productivity time and use it to your advantage

  23. Gain in-depth knowledge about one subject every year,. I heard this on a podcast and thought it was such a great idea

  24. Ask for help when you need it

  25. Make it easier to form a good habit by making it more apparent. For example, if you want to drink more water, put bottles water in the places you often visit (ex. your work desk)

  26. Only buy things you like, don't buy something just because it's on sale

  27. Create a nighttime routine, as the saying goes, a great morning begins the night before

  28. Celebrate your wins

  29. Cook and eat at home more, it's healthier and less expensive

  30. Try tongue scraping, which helps to remove bacteria from your mouth and creates fresher breath

  31. Save!

  32. Have the courage to show vulnerability in your closest relationships

  33. Honor your commitments to yourself

  34. Write down your goals

  35. Be specific about your goals

  36. Write down the steps you need to take to achieve your goals

  37. Practice self-care. Carve out time at least once a week to take care of yourself

  38. Do something special on your birthday every year. No matter how small or simple. Celebrate!

  39. Send thank you cards.

  40. Learn to pronounce people's names correctly. It's a respectful thing to do!

  41. Practice positive self-talk

  42. Gracefully accept compliments. Train yourself to say, "thank you" instead of denying a compliment.

  43. Give compliments

  44. Negotiate your salary.

  45. Volunteer your time and resources to help to make the world a better place

  46. Learn how to say no gracefully.

  47. Practice making eye contact when interacting with others

  48. Clear clutter from your home

  49. Practice good posture

  50. Wear pretty lingerie

  51. Wear a good support bra

  52. Be impeccable with your word. See the Four Agreements

  53. Plan your menu ahead of time

  54. Start family traditions. This is a great way to create awesome memories with your family, especially if you have children.

  55. Eat dinner with your family every night. Make dinnertime an important part of your day.

  56. Practice being present

  57. Write down or tell someone about one thing you're grateful for every day

  58. Practice deep breathing

  59. Keep fresh flowers in your home

  60. Follow your intuition

  61. Limit your screen time. Set a timer if necessary.

  62. Practice being a good listener

  63. Start your day with uplifting music

  64. Take care of your mental and emotional well-being by seeing a therapist

  65. Pay attention to what you feed your mind

  66. Make your bed

  67. Cultivate a strong inner circle

  68. Be open to hearing and receiving constructive criticism

  69. Learn how to manage your finances

  70. Explore the arts

  71. Do at least one thing on your bucket list every year

  72. Show up for a friend

  73. Look your best every day. When you look good, you feel good

  74. Learn proper dining etiquette

  75. Do a small act of kindness every day

  76. Get your clothes tailored

  77. Learn a new language

  78. Start a mastermind group

  79. Set healthy boundaries

  80. Respect other people's boundaries

  81. Apologize. Acknowledge when you've wronged someone

  82. Show up on time

  83. Demand integrity from yourself

  84. Polish your communication skills

  85. Instead of assuming, ask for clarification

  86. Surround yourself with honest people

  87. Schedule family time

  88. Schedule date night with your significant other

  89. Have a morning "before phone" ritual

  90. Own who you are. Be your authentic self

  91. Donate

  92. Spend money on experiences

  93. Practice whole-hearted living. See Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly

  94. Don't fear failure. Learn the lesson and move on.

  95. Forgive and move on

  96. Be kind to others

  97. Take responsibility for your feelings

  98. Network

  99. Live by your core values

  100. NEVER give up!