My Year of Yes

(I) am going to say yes to anything and everything that scares me. For a whole year....
Yes to everything scary.
Yes to everything that takes me out of my
comfort zone.
Yes to everything that feels like it might be crazy.
Yes to everything that feels out of character.
Yes to everything that feels goofy.
Yes to everything.
— Shonda Rhimes, Year of Yes

I completed Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes inspired  that I was going to begin my own Year of Yes. I am saying yes to everything that scares me. I now know that courage is a muscle that requires exercise to grow. “Do it afraid,” I tell myself often, it’s one of my life's philosophies. Fear can box you in, if you let it, or you can face your fears by doing the things that scare you. Even if you are shaking in your boots when you face those fears, face them anyway. More and more, I intentionally do the things that scare me, even when it feels uncomfortable. It’s the only way that I know I'll conquer my fears.

Reading, Year of Yes, revealed that I have more fears to conquer. There are things that I still need to say "Yes" to, hence I am challenging myself to this Year of Yes. The time to say "yes" is now. I am saying yes to opportunities I otherwise would have skipped; Yes to self-acceptance; Yes to taking care of my body; Yes to self-care; Yes to relationships and people who love, accept and value me; Yes to difficult conversations; Yes in the face of self-doubt and anxiety; Yes to being comfortable in my skin; Yes to going after my dreams; Yes to being brave; Yes to vulnerability and authenticity and Yes to love.

I am excited (and a little scared) about this journey, but I am taking it, and I will make sure to fill you in periodically.

