Posts in Irie Insights
Books for Women Who Want to Win: Secrets of Six Figure Women

It's here! The video where I'm talking about book two in my five book video series, Books for Women Who Want to Win. Secrets of Six Figure Women (available here) is a great book to read for women who want more financial success and abundance in their lives or for women who want to become more financial savvy in general. Watch the video below to see why it's a great book to add to your reading list!

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Birthday Post: Remembering that ALL Things...

Every birthday I take time to reflect on the past year by thinking about lessons learned and insights I gained.  I turned 33 last Friday and just looking back 10 years in the past, I am such a different woman today than I was at 23. I am more confident, more sure of my intrinsic worth and more aware my values. The woman I am today came as a result of growing pains, self-reflection, and  intentionally deciding to engage in personal development.  T

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Pretty People Privileges: Important Reasons Why Appearance Matters

Everyday we make conscious and subconscious judgements about people based on external factors such as appearance, our brains are biologically wired to do so. As difficult as it is to admit or as shallow as it sounds, it is  true. Appearance matters.  Studies show that those who are considered physically attractive reap a number of unmerited benefits.  Another study showed that women who wore makeup to work appeared more competent to others.

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