Chic Vacation Style

My goal while packing to my trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands include one aim: pack cute and casual outfits. I wanted easy breezy outfits, but I did not want to overlook style for comfort. I wanted both!  As I packed, I focused on a few key things that would ensure that I would be comfortable AND stylish on my Caribbean vacation. Below are a few of the things I packed and a few outfits I wore.  

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How I'm Taking Care of My Double-Processed Relaxed Hair This Summer

A few weeks ago I got highlights.  I love color and with summer approaching at the time,  I wanted a lighter color. I chose highlights after being inspired by a photo that popped up in my Instagram feed. As a relaxed head, I did not take it lightly that I wanted to add another chemical process to my strands. Double-processed  relaxed hair needs a lot of tender loving care, or else you risk breakage. I did my research and below I'm sharing how I'm caring for my double-processed relaxed  hair.

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Pretty People Privileges: Important Reasons Why Appearance Matters

Everyday we make conscious and subconscious judgements about people based on external factors such as appearance, our brains are biologically wired to do so. As difficult as it is to admit or as shallow as it sounds, it is  true. Appearance matters.  Studies show that those who are considered physically attractive reap a number of unmerited benefits.  Another study showed that women who wore makeup to work appeared more competent to others.

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