Five Recent Changes I Made to Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

Healthier Lifestyle

Over the last few months, I’ve been focusing on making healthier lifestyle choices for myself especially since I started noticing that what I consume affects my energy levels and whether I feel my best. Below I have outlined five of the changes I make to lead a more healthy lifestyle.

1. I take a high-quality probiotic every morning to benefit my gut. Our gut microbiome plays a vital role in your overall health by helping with digestion, our immune system, and many other health aspects. I've tried many different brands but really like this one.

2. I'm eating less meat and more greens. We've all been told at some point to "eat our greens." After reading this book that describes the connection between our diet and our health, I realized I wasn't eating nearly enough leafy greens. Why leafy greens? Because they contain essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that offer a lot of health benefits. 🥦🥬🥗 Remember, supplements have their role, but nothing beats eating well. While the book makes a strong argument for a plant-based diet, I am not going plant-based at this point in my life; nevertheless, it inspired me to eat healthier. I now have a green smoothie for breakfast a few times per week and eat more vegetables with every meal.

3. I'm drinking more water. There are so many benefits to being well-hydrated, I'll list a few: transport nutrients throughout your body removes toxins, and improves skin health and beauty. Filling a water bottle and placing it on my desk while I work helps me with consistently drinking at least 7-8 cups per day.

4. I'm paying more attention to what I allow myself to read, watch, and hear. Protect your mind, protect your peace. There is a lot of information online, and other forms of media, some of it is negative and can affect how you think and feel. I've decided to be more selective and protect my mental space.

5. I signed up for Evergreen Fitness Challenge by Personal Trainer Jenna de Leon. Honestly, since becoming a mom, I struggled with going to the gym consistently. With gyms closed in my state and many places across the country, I'm now working out at home. The online challenge not only helps me to stay consistent, but it also excites me as I cannot wait to see the benefits and physical changes that I'll experience from getting fit again. Jenna also created a Facebook page for other women in the challenge, which builds community. We talk about our fitness goals, share tips, and encourage each other.