Posts in Irie Insights
10 Truths About Dating in Your 30s

Recently, I asked my friends to share a few of their thoughts about  dating in your 30s. My friends are smart and wise and have tons of life experiences, some are single and dating, in relationships, married, been married and often have a wealth of insight to share. Below my friends and I have compiled a list of our own personal truths about dating in your 30s. To my friends, thank you so much!

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My Year of Yes

I completed Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes inspired  that I was going to begin my own Year of Yes. I am saying yes to everything that scares me. I now know that courage is a muscle that requires exercise to grow. “Do it afraid,” I tell myself often, it’s one of my life's philosophies. Fear can box you in, if you let it, or you can face your fears by doing the things that scare you. Even if you are shaking in your boots when you face those fears, face them anyway. More and more, I intentionally do the things that scare me, even when it feels uncomfortable. It’s the only way that I know I'll conquer my fears.

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